Developing Flows on Your Device

Add Device to FlowFuse


If you do not already have the device agent installed, follow the install instructions, otherwise, proceed to the next step.

NOTE: It is good practice to keep your Device Agent up to date. Update instructions are also provided in the link above.

NOTE: If you prefer to use the Device Agent WEB UI, follow the Quick Start with Web UI guide.

Step 1: Add a new Device

  1. Open your web browser and go to your FlowFuse application page.

  2. Navigate to the Devices section.

  3. Click Add Device.

  4. Fill in the Device Name & Device Type and select an Application

  5. Click Add

  6. You will be presented with a Device Configuration that you will need in the next step. (Do not close this window just yet.)

Step 2: Connect the Device

  1. Open a Terminal/Command Prompt.

  2. Paste the command copied from the previous step and run it.

  3. Start the Device Agent using the command instructed by the device agent output e.g:


Your device is now connected to FlowFuse and ready to be used.

Develop on Device

Enable Developer Mode

  1. Navigate to Applications and select the application your device was added to.

  2. Go to the Devices tab within the application.

  3. Locate your newly added device and click on your device.

  4. Then Click Developer Mode toggle button on upper right.

  5. This will enable editor access for your device.

  6. Clicking Device Editor will launch the editor.

Next Steps

Now you have a device connected to the platform, there are many features you can use to manage and monitor your devices. Here are a few to get you started: