When adding features to the platform it is sometimes a requirement to be able to restrict the feature to licensed platforms, and furthermore to certain types of team on the platform.

Most typically this will be a feature that should only be available to the Team or Enterprise tiers on FlowFuse Cloud.

This is a quick guide for how to add a feature flag - both at the platform-wide level and against individual TeamTypes.

Feature flag names should use camelCase.

Add a platform-wide feature flag

All licensable features should set a platform-wide feature flag to indicate the feature is available.

app.config.features.register('featureFlagName', true)

Here is an example of how the HA feature sets its platform-wide flag.

Add a team type feature flag

The feature flag is set by an admin user via TeamTypeEditDialog.vue.

  1. Add an entry to the existing list of feature flags here.
  2. Add a check to ensure the right default value is applied here. Any new feature should default to false so it can then be selectively enabled.

Using the feature flags - runtime side

Platform-wide feature flags can be checked using:

const isFeatureEnabledOnPlatform = app.config.features.enabled('featureFlagName')

TeamType feature flags can be checked using the getFeatureProperty function of the TeamType model:

// myTeamType is an instance of `TeamType`
const isFeatureEnabledForTeamType = myTeamType.getFeatureProperty('featureFlagName', false)

The first arg is the name of the feature flag, the second arg is the default value if the feature flag is otherwise unset. As mentioned above, any new feature should default to false.

Here is an example of this in action.

Using the feature flag - frontend

In the frontend, platform-wide feature flags can be checked against the features property of the account store.

TeamType feature flags can be checked against team.type.properties.features.featureFlagName.

Here is an example of how we combine these two things:

    computed: {
        ...mapState('account', ['features']),
        featureEnabledForTeam () {
            return !!this.team.type.properties.features?.deviceGroups
        featureEnabledForPlatform () {
            return this.features.deviceGroups
        featureEnabled () {
            return this.featureEnabledForTeam && this.featureEnabledForPlatform

This allows the UI to distinguish between a feature being unavailable because the platform is not licensed for it, and a feature being unavailable for the current team type.

This allows different messages to be displayed with the most appropriate call to action.

The EmptyState component has support for this - see here for how that is applied.